Wednesday, October 5, 2011

World Famous!

Oh the rain today was beautiful! Usually the best way to enjoy these days is spending them at home drinking something warm while baking something deliciously fragrant. But not me. I chose to get up early, get myself and three kids ready, and drive 45 minutes away (in the rain) for something that didn't happen. I got the dates mixed up for something. Oh how silly. Izzy was very disappointed in me. Anyway, we headed back home and did the rest of the day right. 

For lunch the girls and I made our traditional rainy day foods, grilled cheese and tomato soup. We enjoyed hot coco and watched a spooky cartoon while we baked a loaf of Izzy's world famous banana bread (hey, it's famous in her world). 

She dislikes camera's with a flash.
 HQ's new favorite word is her name. Well, it comes out "Ha hee". She also likes to talk in third person. "Uh oh! Ha hee pooped!" or "Hewp! Ha hee tuck!" I love toddler language. It evolves so fast though!

Today's chew toy: a scrunchy 
This afternoon Izzy asked, "How does soap work?" I love it when she wants to learn extra stuff! So I whipped out one of my old dermatology books and explained it to her, even showing her little images of it on a molecular level. She was fascinated. I then chose to do the little food colored water, oil, and soap experiment. Now she is even more excited to wash her hands. I suppose this may up our soap and water bills.. hmm.

Today was Ty's Friday, so I look forward to having him around the next two days. He's looking forward to sleeping in! Plus, tomorrow is Locke's check up and we're glad he gets to be around for it. :D

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