Saturday, October 22, 2011

Company Party

Izzy scored her first goal for the Pink Unicorns today! She was SO proud of herself! They were still creamed, but that didn't take away an ounce of her happiness. :) 

Today was Ty's first company party at his new job. It was huge! They had a few bounce houses, slides, pony rides, contests, a raffle, face painters, a "beer garden", bands, a DJ, and tons of free food, ice cream, and beer. The girls could not have been more pleased when we drove up and they saw all the goings on from the street.

When I first told Izzy we were going to a party at Ty's job she asked, "They are having a birthday party for me? That's weird. How do they even know me? OR when my birthday is?"

HQ's first taste of Kettle Corn. She didn't speak until the whole thing was gone. Then she said, "Mo, peaz!" We have interpreted that to mean she liked it.
Ty participated in the "UMC" (ultimate merchandizer championship). He and his teammate went through an obstacle course that had many things to do with their job (and a few extra's like jumping hurdles and hopping over tires... like you do at most jobs). Ty was nervous since he had worked at 3am this morning and his body was pooped, but he and his teammate won!

Izzy making sure this is the perfect spot to watch Ty race.
She cheered louder than me!

Quietly enjoying popsicles.

The popsicle soon hits HQ.

Locke has the best seat in the house!
Ty, my beloved, is a pack horse. 
Listening to the raffle numbers being called. Izzy is semi upset when they call a number just one digit off.
The prizes were thinks like beach cruisers, snow boards, sports event tickets, restaurant gift cards etc.
All in all I'd say it was a good day. But now I have some last minute stuff to do for the girls' birthday party tomorrow and I'm tired. They are so excited!

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