Saturday, October 8, 2011

Face on a Pin

Ty woke up at 3am today for work and then did a 12 hour shift. He's pooped. He fell asleep around 6pm. I can't say I blame him.

I was reading through some of my old blogs. It's so great to be able to read and remember almost exactly what was going on that day. So even if no one read my blog, I would totally keep doing it. It's fun for me! Plus Izzy likes it when I read some to her. So I suppose it's fun for us :D
Ty admiring a sleeping Locke.
Pink Unicorns vs. Blue Dolphins today. The Pink Unicorns are getting better. Izzy even stole the ball and ran it down the field today. When a teammate scored a goal Izzy let out a maniacal laugh. I'm not quite sure what was going on through her head... she isn't a very vicious person and isn't a sore loser or winner. I guess it was just weird timing, or she has decided to be a mad scientist when she grows up.

"Good game" "Good game"
 After the game Grandma Orpi took us to Izzy's favorite "fancy restaurant", Ruby's, for lunch. We also met up with Ty's Aunt. Izzy had some ketchup with a side of fries and a grilled cheese sandwich. Strawberry shakes were a must. The kids were good until the last 5 minutes. Then Locke wanted to play and HQ wanted to run around.
Oooh! Grilled Cheese!
Tomorrow is picture day for soccer. Izzy doesn't get the concept. "We have lots of pictures of me in my uniform. Why do we have to go somewhere else to take more?" When I explained that they will put her face on a pin she was all for it.

Well, I'm going to head to bed. I got a headache that just won't quit. I suppose I will just have to quit it!

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