Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bees Love Eachother

I had my women's Bible study this morning. Getting three little ones ready in the morning and out by a specific time is a challenge. But we made it! Izzy loves going because they have a homework group set up for the older kids and a few of her friends go.

HQ walked quite tall in this outfit!
 We headed back home for lunch and for home study. I'm really loving the Saxon math program for Izzy. It just saturates her in math which she also really enjoys. I LOVE HOMESCHOOLING MY KIDS!

After sprinkling toys and coasters about the living room, HQ looks for more things to make messy.
Homework. HQ is singing which is making Izzy laugh. 
Our Proverb this week is "Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones." When I asked Izzy what some of her favorite pleasant words were she said, "I love you. That's the best thing anyone can hear! It's sweet too. I wonder if bees love eachother..."  

Doing her "ho-woah" (homework)
Some very intense coloring.
Tonight we went out to order the girls' birthday cake, pick up a pizza, and head to our Hope 101 class. Before leaving Izzy changed, brushed her hair (removing all knots), and threw on a head band all by herself! She usually dresses herself, but I was surprised when she came downstairs in something that matched and was weather appropriate. She's growing! /sniffle
She asked, "Does this make me look like a teenager?"
I wanted to cry!
All the kids are asleep. It's time to make out with my hot husband. :) 

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