Friday, September 30, 2011

We Don't Have Ugly Friends

What a blessed day! The kids were happy, I had a grown up girls' morning out, the sky was gray, and I got to go on a date with my husband. What's there to complain about?

I woke up still feeling a bit sore from the barre class I had taken on Wednesday. Woohoo! That means it's working, right? I then received a call from a friend I haven't seen in a while. She made a point of making sure we got together today. So I dropped the kids off at my mother's for 2 hours and then went to visit with her for a bit. It was quite refreshing. :D

When the kids and I got home it was time to crack down on our home study. Izzy told me today that math and science were her favorite subjects (my heart did happy cartwheels when I heard this!). She kept asking for more and more math homework. About 2 hours into it I made her take a break. 

Starting math for the day.
Izzy and HQ asked me to turn on some more Muzzy. Izzy has already learned a few spanish words in two days. I wonder if this will continue. HQ hums along with the Muzzy songs, but doesn't say a whole lot yet. What if she ends up speaking more Spanish than English? Hmmm. Izzy said she'd like to learn French as well. Could she make my heart melt more?

However she had me in deep thought for a bit today...
‎"Mom, how come we don't have any ugly friends?"
"Izzy, that's not nice"
"What? I said we DON'T have any ugly friends"
"Because it isn't nice to suggest anyone is ugly"
"But I didn't. You did. You could have said 'because there are no ugly people'"

I seriously did NOT have a response for this! I started to think, did she bait me? No, I don't believe she did. I think she tried to backtrack when she thought she was going to get in trouble and that's what came out. I'm a chronic over thinker. I fear Izzy may have gotten this from me! 

Where did HQ and Izzy go?
 HQ's vocabulary is taking on a life of it's own. She surprises us with several new words a day. Her new favorite is "hewp" (help). She says it for anything. If she's put in her car seat and wants to get out we hear it. When she wants her shoes on, a tutu change, a door open etc. When she wants something to eat or drink it's "hewp! mo milk peas", or "hewp! mo opcorm peas!". Little goof.

Locke and Izzy dancing.
Ty and I also went on a last minute double date. We had already booked my mother to babysit for some plans that had fallen through. It was a much needed night. Some drinks and a lighthearted dinner at Outback Steakhouse. I don't think I have been there in 6 years! It was perfect. We are so blessed with some awesome friends. :)

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