Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Picture Day

It was picture day for the girls at Hope. Izzy's Grammy purchased a fancy little outfit for her and Izzy felt pretty special the whole time she wore it. You can't beat hot pink and bows! In true little sister fashion HQ wore a cute little hand me down party dress. 

So happy about picture day! I think he looks a lot like Ty's dad in this picture. 

Ready for her picture... with Hello Kitty.
She demanded that she wear her little purple chucks with her dress.
Of course while taking her picture she lifted up her dress revealing her bellybutton. They ended up just cropping the photo. 

Posing. Izzy found this headband at the bottom of her toy box. She's so posh. 

After pictures we met up with a group of fellow homeschool moms at a nearby playplace.
We really enjoyed the time/fellowship together and the girls loved playing with all their little friends. 

Doing some writing review with Scarlett.
Izzy added cashier to the list of things she will be when she grows up. She said it's because that's the job where people hand you the most money and she will need that money to give to the poor. I explained to her that the cashiers don't get to keep all the money handed to them. She then decided that cashiers have the weirdest job.

The girls drawing while I read to them. :)

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