Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Little Summer Summary

We moved.
Chuck e Cheeses with friends!
4th of July on the beach with Grampa.

Locke made friends with the baby in the mirror.

We watched caterpillars turn to butterflies and then watched them fly away.

Craft days with friends.

Family trip to Vegas

We discover Coconut Bliss. SO YUMMY!

Locke learns how to make a mess.
More beach.

Locke gets his first diaper rash.

lots o' love

Sees her first pelican!

Many library trips.

HQ learned she can bury herself in the sand.

OK.. so we love the beach :)

Izzy learned to boogie board!

Beach showers!

Doctor appointments.
Izzy finds out she has to get poked with needles (blood and TB testing) before she starts 1st grade.
Don't worry! She survived.



HQ learned how to get her own breakfast...

LOTS of swimming. Yes, Ty is wearing a Hello Kitty towel too. 
We also had family visit from Minnesota, birthday parties, and a trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific. Summer went by so fast!

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