Friday, September 9, 2011


So much has happened since my last blog (3 months ago) that I am not quite sure where to begin. I have been quite overwhelmed lately that I just haven't found the time blog, but a good chunk of the "junk" is about to make it's exit. PHEW! 

Heading back in from the pool.

Izzy's new favorite swim friend. "Pinky" the dolphin.
A hole was just discovered in Pinky's fin. Ty was able to save the fin by applying a band aid.

In the last 3 months we've moved, Locke got his first 2 teeth, can sit up, moved to his own bed, and has started solids. HQ has learned to swim and her favorite words are "wow", "cool", and "Izzyno". Izzy can now boogie board solo has also added "artist" to the list of things she will be when she grows up. I think those are the bullet points. 
Izzy and I just started her first grade curriculum. She is so excited about being a first grader! She tells everyone we meet that she's in the first grade. She is also counting down the days until her 6th birthday so that she will no longer be required to use a car seat. She is growing too fast! I tell her daily not to grow anymore, but she is just too darn defiant.

The girls sporting custom hats made by one awesome chick :)
Izzy has been quite infatuated with Rapunzel since the release of the movie "Tangled". So these were a HUGE hit with her. She plans to wear her new "wig/hat" everywhere she can. When she said that a flash back to her "goggle phase" popped in my head. HQ likes to slap people with her lovely new locks.

Working on some first grade homework.
Izzy was to create some pattern and of course the shape she chose was hearts.
My mom picked the girls up for lunch so that I could get some work done around the apartment. It's AMAZING how much quicker it gets done when I am down two kids. However it is nice when they are here too because I like them to learn to help. HQ loves cleaning up. She throws everything in any container she can find (which can mean toys in the trash and cheerios in the laundry basket) and then wipes everything else down with a diaper wipe. Don't worry, it's a clean one.

Off to Grandma's!
I find it funny how different peoples tastes can be. Even in one family. For dinner tonight my mom got the girls Subway. I don't think there is any food Izzy despises more than mustard and this is a very well known fact in my family. HQ, however, ravenously ripped her sammich apart and licked the mustard off everything leaving her entire sammich behind sans mustard. 

Izzy starts tennis tomorrow!

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