Sunday, September 25, 2011


With the girls gone I hoped to have an easy lazy morning with just Locke. Nope. He woke up at 5:15am ready to play! Is it ingrained in all kids? Like some sixth sense that makes them subconsciously realize mommy is relaxing way too much, I must help her see the error of her ways! Lucky for them I love them.

Poor sick Ty had work at 5am today. We had to cancel on a birthday picnic for a sweet friend of ours due to sickies. We felt awful, but she said she had a great time anyway (which sounds almost impossible since we weren't there) Yay!

My girls all ready for church with my parents.
While Locke and I stayed home we did some light cleaning and some game watching improvisation. Since we live in California we don't get all the Vikings' games unless we pay LOTS of money for them. So Locke and I just watched the updates and the little animation of the ball moving across the field "live" and listened to some Burlap to Cashmere and Led Zeppelin. Locke enjoyed watching my touchdown dances. Once halftime hit and the TD's stopped coming for us, he was less interested.

Checking The Viking's score.
Ty came home from work still sick, he didn't seem too much worse but he had picked me flowers. He picked me flowers while he was sick! I was mad and romanced at the same time. For those of you that live in So Cal you know that it's really hard to find places where you can legally pick flowers. Anyway, I totally appreciate picked flowers over store bought flowers any day! I think it's so much more romantic to think my husband took time out to find and pick flowers than if spent 5 minutes online or on the phone with 1800flowers and said, "I dunno she likes yellow. Just something pretty for under $50". Needless to say he got some good smoochin'.

We then rested for the afternoon and waited for the girls to come home. It was a much needed relaxing and restful day.

We know Uncle Max could use a little cheering up, so Izzy wrote him a letter.
Here is part of her letter, complete with rainbow lettering AND a rainbow.
Tonight is the second night HQ is sleeping in the top bunk. I say "in" because it has one of those bed tents on it. She seems pretty happy about it. ALL of her favorite toys and books fit in there since it's a twin mattress instead of the crib sized one. I really can't see how she finds that comfy, but as long as she has her silky blanket or sheet and at least 3 stuffed Hello Kitty toys, she's good to go. 

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