Tonight Ty and I had the privilege of being the parents of "that kid". You know, the one having a meltdown in public. Yes, HQ chose to have a random tantrum inside the library. Why? I don't know. Conditions were optimal. She had been napped, fed, and was carrying items that usually hold her attention and keep her happy. But for some strange reason, she chose to lose it in the library. It did work to our benefit I guess. The gentlemen checking us out waived our "look up" fee. This made me think of what it was like going to the library before having kids. It was so much more boring, but it also made me think of the things I took for granted before having kids.
Things I Took for Granted Before Having Kids:
Showering Daily: What was once routine has become A LOT of work. If I am without Ty (which is 5 days a week) that means baby needs to be in sight (or sleeping and I have a monitor handy) and HQ also needs to be in ear shot or sleeping. I usually opt for the latter with HQ since she doesn't like being stuck in the bathroom if she can't be in the bath.
Doing ANYTHING outside: Even walking to the mailbox is an event in our home. Since it's a bit of a walk the baby and HQ need to go with me if Ty's not here. And of course Izzy doesn't want to be left alone. Then we have to find shoes. And maybe a jacket. And maybe a favorite toy or blanket... TO GET THE MAIL.
My Body: My body isn't what it once was. I've had 3 kids and a miscarriage in a pretty short period of time. I think that one is self explanatory, but it is still a work in progress.
Clean clothes: Seriously.. just washed or not, it's been a long time since I left the house is something that didn't have something on it. Usually around the shoulder area. This one also goes for Ty.
High heels: try chasing a toddler or wearing a baby (in my case both) around the grocery store in those.
Relaxing baths: Unless my kids are asleep or not home this is impossible. The moment that bathroom door closes a barrage of "mama"s and "mommy"s come flying out of my kids' mouths. HQ even sulks outside the bathroom door. The moment I open it I get a huge hug from her as if I had been lost for years and then she dumps me for a box of blocks.
Doing my hair: What was once almost annoying to do has become a luxury I can't really afford. For one, I rarely get the time and two, even if I do have the time I debate whether or not having fancy hair is worth having it in reach of hands still eager to grab hold of it.
Wearing earrings: my babies have always thought I was wearing chew toys on my ears and they need to rip them off so they can be used properly.
Sewing: Before I had kids or even after I just had Izzy. I sewed A LOT. I also made good money doing it. I remember hearing many women telling me "I used to sew, I haven't in years since I had kids". I remember thinking well, I bet you don't like sewing HALF as much as I do or you would MAKE time. Man did I know NOTHING. I have maybe 5% of the time I once did to dedicate to sewing. It's easy for a month to go by where I have sewn nothing and it drives me coo coo!
"Just going to be in & out": Like when you need to grab one thing from the grocery store or stamps from the post office. There is no way. So instead of putting myself through that I will usually just improvise with what I have.
Doing Nothing: If I sit down for a moment I immediately notice even more of what needs to be done. I usually get right back up again. You'd think I'd be thinner... I love cleaning and chasing my kids around the house, and now that I am typing this, I don't really miss "doing nothing" so never mind.
But even with all this I wouldn't trade where I am in life with anything. Most of life and love is sacrifice. If you can't find joy in the sacrifice, life is going to seem a whole lot longer than it is. But not in a good way.