Monday, December 12, 2011

Yummy Smells

Every year my mother (for lack of a better term) goes crazy. It usually happens sometime mid January/mid February and lasts for a few weeks and includes, but is not limited to, completely disowning me and the kids. We can usually tell when it's about to happen because she will make really bizarre comments. I will spare you the details as I don't want to gossip. Anyway it came early this year and is more serious to me this time around, but I haven't spoken to her in a week. Oh, family! 

Who's kid is this?
One of my favorite things in the whole world is watching Ty play with our kids. He's so creative and fun with them. Izzy and Ty are always cracking each other up with their silly scenarios. HQ and Locke always think he's funny. He's always the bad guy. Izzy's reasoning is that he has the best bad guy laugh and she's a girl and girls can't be "bad guys". Makes sense. Plus, any chance the kids have to play with a 6'6 human jungle gym they take!

This is how Ty plays with the kids. Yes, yes that is a bumbo on his head and a pink Hello Kitty in his shirt.
What you can't see are the stuffed birds he swinging around like nunchucks.

Locke thinks his dad is hilarious :) 
 Although we were babysitter-less we still were able to sneak in a date this weekend. After the kids went to bed a little early we made a heathy romantic dinner and opened a bottle of our "finest" wine ($4 a bottle is as fine as we ever get).
A romantic dinner date at home with Ty and some Trader Joes $4 wine. 
Today was cold and rainy. YES! But Ty was gone from 5am to 5pm :( Ty spent most of his day driving in the rain (in his heater and music free car) so I wanted to make sure he had a cozy home to come back to after a long day, so HQ and I decided to make some warm aromatic foods.

She's so goofy :) 

This is why our tree ends up being top heavy with ornaments. . .

Since it was cold and rainy I wanted to warm the house up with yummy smells. So HQ and I roasted a chicken for dinner.
 Tonight Izzy came home from SD's. Our family was whole again. Locke and HQ were obviously just as happy as I was to have her home. HQ patted a seat next to her to get Izzy to sit down. They both sat and giggled together on the couch for a few minutes before dinner. This made me all the more excited to watch them grow up together!

We noticed this one out of place house so we made a u-turn to check it out.  The lights are in-sync with a Christmas music playing radio station! They all blink with the beat etc. It was crazy! They were Christmas songs we had never heard too. So we also learned something.

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