Friday, December 2, 2011

Cute Tee!

The girls played dress up today. Izzy was the self proclaimed "Princess Christmas Candy Cane" and...
I assume HQ was Elton John?
I tried getting my chores back on track. After folding the laundry (again) I left the room to use the restroom. I came back not two minutes later and I found the laundry flung around the living room with Locke asleep in the middle of it... what on Earth happened? I need a security system.

She's so studious. 
 Tonight we went to Biola's 26th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting. We don't have a tree so we decided to go look at someone else's. The kids got all dressed up. The girls' in their Christmas dresses and Locke in his little yuppie argyle sweater. I wore a pair of antlers and Ty wore his red sweatshirt. It was quite fun! They had hot drinks, singing, and even snow (the little bubbles they shoot out of those "snow machines" like they have at Disneyland). Weee! We weren't expecting the snow, so it was a nice surprise to us.

HQ running away from us after we finally had found some seats. 

Countdown to Christmas tree lights! She kept saying, "Oooh! Cute tee!" and the tree.
She was dumbfounded when it began to snow. Like a normal kid, HQ tried to eat the snow, but was horribly disappointed.

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