Sunday, December 25, 2011

Log onto WoW

Christmas morning the kids did not fail at waking up nice and early (which was still sleeping in for Ty).  They quickly made their way downstairs and straight towards any sugar. Izzy knows Santa isn't real, but we still fill stockings and put one gift out "from Santa". I suppose that's more for our benefit... 

Looking through stockings and Santa goodies.
We each opened up one gift and then made some cinnamon rolls before opening the rest. Locke took 3 steps today! He was heading for Izzy's cinnamon rolls. HQ used the potty like a pro. They sure know how to give good gifts. :D 

Ty made me a puzzle.

Which led me to my gift. :D

Locke checking out one of his gifts.

Izzy's Vikings' pillow pet got the best reaction out of all her gifts.
 After we finished opening presents I had Izzy give my parents a call to wish them a Merry Christmas. My mom was so short and cold with her on the phone that Izzy said, "I guess Gramma IS mad at me too" and quit asking about going over there. It bummed me out, but I suppose it made it easier for her.

Enjoying some hot pink hot chocolate!

Scarlett got a hat to match Izzy's!
Izzy got picked up around lunch time by SD to go celebrate a 4th time! She made him a tin of cookies and hot coco. She was quite proud of it. She did almost everything by herself. Even the measuring! ... and dough testing. :) 

For Christmas dinner Ty found a recipe he wanted me to try. It was a Sam Adams Winter Ale chicken recipe. It was really good and was made up of a lot of stuff we liked, but it wasn't fantastic enough to be a Christmas tradition dinner. HQ just ate all the shiitake mushrooms and carrots out of it.

After dinner we enjoyed some Christmas cartoons, goodies, and games. All and all we really liked having a "quiet" Christmas at home.

Watching Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol.

Very scared of How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

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