Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Crayon Maker

Today was back to normal. Ty worked and the kids and our did our thing. We did our homework, we played, we did "art", and we made a couple Christmas presents. 

Under our tree was pretty empty. Sadly empty for a family of five so Izzy and I wanted to change that. While HQ napped Izzy made her some crayons using up our broken ones and melting them into HQ's (and Izzy's) favorite shape, hearts. Izzy got creative with each heart. She didn't want to just have plain colors so she made them themed. There is a Christmas heart where she used red, green, and yellow, a Vikings heart with purple and yellow, a ghost heart with black and grey, a Halloween heart using purple, orange, and black.. you get the idea. She was pretty proud of them. 

Making Crayons

How they came out.


Trying on her Christmas dress.
I finally gave the P90X a try. I really liked it! HQ was awake with me the last half and doing her "push ups" on the floor right next to me. It was pretty cute. It was given to me a few months back and I just wasn't able to make the time, but with the kids napping and sleeping regularly now it may be easier to get up earlier than them and get it done. I really hope I can keep it up. I want to feel like I own my body again!

Well, back to Santa's workshop. :) 

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