Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Heart Shaped Pillow

I finally got some sleep last night! 5 magical hours. A friend brought by a natural remedy for insomnia and by golly it worked! I had no idea what caused my sleeplessness. I'm not anxious or worried about anything, I just couldn't sleep. So it was amazing!

In the afternoon we met some friends for lunch so our kids could play together. The kids entertain each other and the grown ups can get in a little grown up conversation between the "MOM! LOOK AT ME!"s. Play dates are fun for everyone involved!

After dinner Izzy wanted to sew. She had a tough time deciding what she wanted to make. She settled on a heart shaped pillow. She now has excellent control over the speed of her sewing machine, her hand sewing has improved tremendously, and she can use a seam ripper like a pro! I'm sew proud of her! (get it? "sew"? ...I still have sleep to catch up on) I am still super impressed with her little sewing machine. It's adorable and pretty darn sturdy.

She wanted to put a ton of stuffing in that little pillow! She ended up packing the heart until it was sold!
Tonight my mom called and said my little sister needed a Disney themed dress for her school dance on Friday. I was so excited! A million ideas popped through my head, but the excitement wore off when I remembered my sister's style. She is pretty much a tomboy and a minimalist. I can only use what I already have too, so this will be a nice little challenge. I feel so Project Runway. 

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