Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Floor Gum

I took Izzy to check out a new place for gymnastics today. She hasn't taken gymnastics since we moved and we've just finally gotten around to checking some places out. Most of these places offer a trial class and I always take them up on them before "buying" no matter who recommended that place to me. If it doesn't feel right to Izzy then it just won't work. 

Today's gym was about a quarter the size of her last gym. It was clean enough and the people were friendly. I like that the class sizes were fairly small which meant she was given more attention. She also learned her coaches name after the first visit! It took her nearly two months last time. And she can now do a cartwheel.  

First time on a balance beam over 6 inches off the floor.
 I stayed to watch. Izzy likes spectators. Heck, she wear the brightest leotard out there it's hard not to watch her. There was plenty of space on the sidelines for HQ to roam free, but it wasn't enough. She wanted to roll, jump, skip, and play with the other kids. So to amuse herself she would say, "Bye!" to me and run to the other side of the building in the hopes that I would panic and chase her. With Locke on my lap and the knowledge that there was no where she could really go, that just wasn't going to happen. Especially over cement. Fortunately another little girl showed up and she and HQ played for the remainder of the class.

Sprawled over my legs. Watching Izzy. 

Playing on the bleachers under me and trying to pick gum off the floor...
All in all it was a good class. Izzy had fun and she seemed to learn plenty. We may have found our new gym.

About an hour before bedtime tonight our power went out. HQ screamed! For the next hour she repeated "want on! want on!" I broke out a couple glow sticks for the girls which ended up being turned into weapons... my little princesses. Locke didn't seem to mind much. They are all asleep now so they must not be too traumatized. Apparently a woman was stuck in one of our complexes elevators. Ty had gone out to help our apartment manager with emergency prep stuff and overheard that the woman said she wasn't worried since she had been trapped in an elevator before... what... luck?

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