Sunday, September 26, 2010

Vikings Won! And I have heartburn...

Today was enjoyable.  The majority of the day was spent at my parents house for the Vikings' game.  It's about a 45 minute drive for us to get there, but worth it.  They record the game in the morning and we all watch it together in the afternoon.  It was a day of food, football, beer (not for me), and family.  We also usually get sent home with yummy left overs.  My parents and brothers are always happy to see the girls.  My sister is too, but she gets to see them more often.  I think the family just tolerates Ty and I so they can get to the kiddos...

Izzy and her broken crown asking Ty if she could go swimming. 

I sewed this sweater onto the biggest Vikes fan of all.
During the game Izzy and my mom went swimming, read some books, and watched a movie while HQ took a good nap.  It was especially good that HQ napped since she seemed to be cheering for the Lions.  Ty also passed out for almost the entire game.  Thank goodness the Vikings won!  We really needed that.  Sure, it was only against the Lions but being 0-2 it still felt good to win.  

Yay!  HQ and my brother are happy the Vikings won.

Ty and I are now going to battle each other on the Wii.  Bleh, and now I have heartburn... ooh!  At least that can be my excuse should I lose!  Who am I kidding.  I wont lose. 

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