Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Emma and Dad

Recovering Izzy and couch potato HQ breaking in the "new" couch.
We have a new member of our family!  Izzy is now the proud mama of a teddy bear hamster she named Emma (she names everything Emma).  This will be her first official pet!  Of course Izzy had to pick out the sparkly pink hamster ball for Emma to run around in.  This is quite an event in our lives!  It's one of those things that makes Ty and I feel even more like parents.  Getting a family pet.

Because Izzy said HQ NEEDED a matching pair.

Unfortunately Izzy is still a bit sick.  After spending the weekend at her father's (his mother's) she came home and told me, "Grammy says Dad is my step...dad".
I responded with, "Well, he is, but he is still your dad.  If your other father gets married, the girl he marries would be your stepmom".
"WHAT?! I thought Grammy was making it up because she doesn't like Dad!  She said her baby is my REAL dad!  I don't understand" she was shocked.  I really don't understand why this was said to a four year old...
I just responded with, "They are both your dads.  One helped put you in my tummy and the other one spends just about every day with you. He works hard to make sure you have a nice home to live in and yummy food to eat.  You have two dad's that love you very much.  Isn't that great?!" I was pleased with my quick answer.
Izzy replied, "Yeah and poor HQ only gets one... but at least he's good".

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