Friday, September 24, 2010

First Day of School

Today was Izzy's first day of "school".  By "school" I mean her first day in Hope's Pre-K where she hangs out with other kids her age and plays etc. with them for a couple hours.  She LOVED it!  However when we got back to the car when it was time to go I asked her the usual questions.  What was your teacher's name?  What did you learn/do? What was the name of another friend in your class?  She replied, "I don't remember" to every single question!  I said, "You don't remember anything?" She said, "I remember they had a kitchen set..." -_-  My child is weird.

HQ spent the morning in the nursery.  This would have been her usual nap time, but she decided she would rather play.  I can't blame her, the nursery is full of fun toys and colors.

Ty and I got to be helpers in two of the classes.  The second class we helped out in was a class full of two and three year olds.  Ty, being 6'6 and male was looked upon as an amazing jungle gym/toy/villain to spiderman.  He was completely saturated in saliva...

Her first day of school picture...

The second we left she passed out

as did she :)
Sorry to keep things short, but I am quite pooped and my little sister is here wanting to use the space I am currently taking up.  Ciao! 

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