Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Princess and the Zucchini

Uhg!  I whipped out my cutting mat in the hopes of using to shorten the amount of time I would have to spend cutting out the fabric for our Halloween costumes this year and I discovered that it was damaged!  I pouted for a good half hour and after telling Ty how much it would cost to replace ($50+), he pouted too.  

What "Princess Izzy"'s dress should look like when it's completed.
Who can guess the color she wants?

I got a call from Izzy today, who is still with her father, and she is sick again : /  Slight fever and a lack of appetite.  I wish she were home...
"I don't know why the bad bacterias are still in my tummy, Mom.  I don't want them there!" 

Another tooth popped through for HQ today!  Now it's 3 on the bottom and 2.5 on the top :)

Enjoying zucchini, strawberries, and toast on our magical
deflating-inflatable mattress (it's popped)
Right now, HQ is asleep and Ty should be home in a little over an hour I look forward to beating him in a lovely game of Mario Party tonight. 

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