Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Family

This is Ty and Myself
He is my best friend and the one whom my soul loves.  Without him my life would lack romance and stability.  He's an excellent father and husband.  We were married almost 2 years ago.
Here's Izzy
She will be 5 at the end of October and is quite precocious!  My life changed the day I discovered I was pregnant with her.  I have found my capacity for love was so much greater than I had originally thought.  I quote her often as her insight always brightens my day.
This is HQ
She will be 1 at the end of October!  When I was pregnant with her I wondered if I would love her as much as Izzy and if it were even possible (I hear it's a common fear) I couldn't imagine a day without either of my children and I love her just as much!  She is spunky, but doesn't talk much yet : ) We  look forward to her insights as well.  She is an amazing dancer!

We don't have a picture yet, but Peanut is our third and final baby.  Peanut is currently in utero and won't grace us with his/her presence until mid March.  Peanut came a little earlier than we had originally planned, but we are very excited for our final addition to our family.

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