Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Library Date

"Mom, we need more kids in our home" -Izzy
"Where should we get them from?" -Me
"Well, we can get some from your tummy and then we can see if some other kids want to live with us. You and Dad are the best and me, Locke, and Harley are nice and funny! I know we can find more kids who want to live with us! .... Wait, will I have to share my toys with all of them or can we buy them their own?" -Izzy

Ty asked me and the kids our for a library date today. YAY! I love the library. Especially ours. It's a beautiful big building with a gorgeous park, a special section for kids with a great story time, and TONS of books. It's also "beach/ocean" themed which we like. Plus, almost everything the library offers is free. In this economy who DOESN'T utilize the library? You'd be crazy not to! :) We picked up our Octopus books (our theme this week) and one Cinderella book. Izzy was surprised to learn that Disney's Cinderella is based off a book that is quite different than the movie.  But she still enjoyed reading it. OH! I'm not sure I mentioned it, but Izzy now reads at a second grade level! She's only five! Yay! She's quite proud of herself. She works hard, she's earned a little pride :) 

Some pictures of our library... yes, I am bragging!

The girl's favorite spot!
Today Izzy was sucked into a whirlpool aboard this ship!

 So our home is one blessed MESS right now. I don't have any idea how it happened! I suppose I got in over my head in cleaning/organizing things and pulled out too much to do without putting enough back in it's place first. I forgot any chore would take 3x as long since I have 3x the distractions. Kissing owies, reading, making a tent out of the kitchen table, getting out paints/clay, making sure everyone is fed (including myself!), and just plan old not ignoring my family means what once took 20 mins now takes at least an hour. Haha, it's not so bad. HQ helped by reorganizing every thing into random piles and then took a marker and some glitter to the kitchen table. At least we got some redecorating done!

Some tummy time and goofy kids :) 

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