Sunday, January 1, 2012


I always thought "Resolution" mean making a positive change in your life. Last year I made one "resolution" which was to have "no soda". Well, I had soda 14 times in 2011. So I technically failed. BUT I never ordered it (I just stole it from Ty) and that was a HUGE decrease from the previous year. When I looked up "Resolutions" it just said, "New Year's resolution, a commitment that an individual makes at New Year's Day". So instead of making one of the same 10 New Years Resolutions that everyone makes I decided to make a 2012 check list. Which is, apparently, the same thing. 

1.) Read one book for pleasure a month. (No, I don't read romance novels...)

2.) Sew one item a week 

3.) Sell something I sew

4.) Learn basic Japanese

5.) Complete P90X 

6.) Only use one bag of sugar total until the month of December. (This may sound weird, but I have my reasons). 

7.) Sign up for and complete a Bible study

8.) Stay on the anti inflammatory diet (not the one that allows bread/pasta) I guess I can't really "check" this one, but it is a commitment! 

9.) Take a dance class with Ty.  

10.) Finally "upcycle" all the clothing items I have in bins at the bottom of my closet and blog about them. It will help with clutter and be fun! :D 

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