Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Little Bowlers

 Last week we learned about a local bowling class specifically created for homeschool kids. Since Izzy had just received a bowling ball for Christmas we were really excited about it. There are about 40 kids there between 5-15. She LOVED it. This week we brought two of her fellow home schooled buddies. They also loved it!

It isn't overly structured which I like. They play 3 games or for and hour and a half, whichever comes first. The girls learned a little bowling etiquette and how to hold the ball. Today was Izzy's second class and she already seems to have better control of the ball.

Checking their scores. 

Izzy's form is pretty fantastic (she's the one on the right). 

As we left we passed a bowling league created for elderly women. One of the girls asked real loud, "Why are there old women here bowling? Aren't they supposed to be weak or something?" I walked a little quicker towards the exit hoping that none of them heard her.

After bowling Izzy's friends came over to play for a bit. They all got dressed up and had a ball. One of them played the piano (she's really good!) and the others snacked on their celery and apples... just like you would at a real ball.

Having a picnic during the ball.

Bike helmets work better when they are on backwards.
Tonight Ty and I went to a seminar about homeschooling on a tight budget. We learned quite a few things that we look forward to putting into practice. I love being around fellow homeschool moms. They're always so encouraging!


  1. Thank you so much for taking the girls. Was the loud girl with the question one of mine? LOL

  2. We loved having them! Haha! Yes! She was genuinely curious. It was cute and embarrassing at the same time. Ah kids. They're fun :D
