Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Little Bowlers

 Last week we learned about a local bowling class specifically created for homeschool kids. Since Izzy had just received a bowling ball for Christmas we were really excited about it. There are about 40 kids there between 5-15. She LOVED it. This week we brought two of her fellow home schooled buddies. They also loved it!

It isn't overly structured which I like. They play 3 games or for and hour and a half, whichever comes first. The girls learned a little bowling etiquette and how to hold the ball. Today was Izzy's second class and she already seems to have better control of the ball.

Checking their scores. 

Izzy's form is pretty fantastic (she's the one on the right). 

As we left we passed a bowling league created for elderly women. One of the girls asked real loud, "Why are there old women here bowling? Aren't they supposed to be weak or something?" I walked a little quicker towards the exit hoping that none of them heard her.

After bowling Izzy's friends came over to play for a bit. They all got dressed up and had a ball. One of them played the piano (she's really good!) and the others snacked on their celery and apples... just like you would at a real ball.

Having a picnic during the ball.

Bike helmets work better when they are on backwards.
Tonight Ty and I went to a seminar about homeschooling on a tight budget. We learned quite a few things that we look forward to putting into practice. I love being around fellow homeschool moms. They're always so encouraging!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Tiring Week

Oh goodness has it been a tiring week! Mostly emotional. Almost all of our friends are going through something very heavy right now so we have just been doing our best to be there for everyone and then Ty, HQ, and I ended up with colds. Pooh!

Ty missed the kids and me so much that he brought us all to work with him one day. That basically means we all sat in the car while he ran in to each store, did his thing, and then we hung out together as he drove to his next stop. One stop he had was a two hours long. There was no way I was going to have the kids (or myself) sit in the car for that long so we drove around to find somewhere to play. Marina Del Ray apparently has a severe lack of parks (at least where we were) and fast food places with play places. So I whipped out my spiffy iwant app and found a place called "Under the Sea" 3 minutes away from where we were.

We went in to supervise Ty at one of his stops. HQ and Locke both wanted him to hold them the entire time so we figured we wouldn't go into any more stores with him.
Sitting in Locke's car seat and looking at Izzy. 
Sitting in HQ's car seat and getting used to waiting.

"Where's Daddy?"
 We LOVED Under the Sea. It is an indoor playground. Everything in there was clean and safe. The customers didn't have that "creepy" vibe and it wasn't crowded. It also had the cute "under the sea" (mermaids, fish, etc) theme which I like.

Locke quickly made some friends.

Who can say no to bounce houses?

Izzy and this little boy were inseparable. They played "Mario Kart". I think he fell in love when he discovered she knew exactly what he was talking about and added other elements to their game. 

HQ playing air hockey with a little buddy.

Izzy telling some friends, "And here is my dad playing World of Warcraft. We can call it WoW."

Izzy's artwork. Consider yourself lucky that you get to see this. This is in her magic art book (thanks Jessica!).
Most of the pictures are too magical for just anyone's eyes. 
 We had some bird yuck on our windshield which was pretty gross. Izzy was especially offended by it. Ty decided to surprise her by going through one of those drive through car washes. We call it "the poor man's Disneyland". She loves car washes. :) It was HQ's first time, but she fell asleep right before it started. She didn't sleep much at all last night (which means neither did I) so I wasn't going to wake her up. Not even for a spectacular once in a lifetime event like this.

Going through a car wash.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Crazy New Year

I think they're so cute :D

Our little princess...
It has been quite the eventful 2012 for us and we are only five days in. We don't waste much time I guess. On the 2nd Ty and I went to Vegas for two nights (which was given to us as a Christmas gift) for our first vacation without the kids since our honeymoon. I didn't really take any pictures because we were just too busy really being in the moment and smooching. Seriously. I love smooching my husband. :D 

Ty got me my favorite beer (Strawberry Blonde) and then picked up Rogue's Bacon Maple Ale because it "reminded him of me"... romantic? I know. We gave it a try. It tasted like campfire with a bacony aftertaste... we didn't finish it.

On our last morning there we learned Locke was in the ER. I don't know how most mothers handle, "Don't freak out, but your baby is in the ER..." especially when she is 5 hours away, but I didn't handle it so well. After learning he was OK I was still VERY ready to be home.

He has a cool little owie on his head from his IV, but he's ship shape!

The mini ketchup was Izzy's favorite gift we brought back for her.
She was oddly happy that Ty and I got to enjoy a 2 night "date". 

Weirdos in boots. 

And to top everything off, today we learned Ty was promoted to full time employee! YAY! Eventful 5 days, no? I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of the year. Just hopefully without the ER visits. :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I always thought "Resolution" mean making a positive change in your life. Last year I made one "resolution" which was to have "no soda". Well, I had soda 14 times in 2011. So I technically failed. BUT I never ordered it (I just stole it from Ty) and that was a HUGE decrease from the previous year. When I looked up "Resolutions" it just said, "New Year's resolution, a commitment that an individual makes at New Year's Day". So instead of making one of the same 10 New Years Resolutions that everyone makes I decided to make a 2012 check list. Which is, apparently, the same thing. 

1.) Read one book for pleasure a month. (No, I don't read romance novels...)

2.) Sew one item a week 

3.) Sell something I sew

4.) Learn basic Japanese

5.) Complete P90X 

6.) Only use one bag of sugar total until the month of December. (This may sound weird, but I have my reasons). 

7.) Sign up for and complete a Bible study

8.) Stay on the anti inflammatory diet (not the one that allows bread/pasta) I guess I can't really "check" this one, but it is a commitment! 

9.) Take a dance class with Ty.  

10.) Finally "upcycle" all the clothing items I have in bins at the bottom of my closet and blog about them. It will help with clutter and be fun! :D 

Pictionary Man

Happy New Year!! New Years Eve is something I never really got into. It usually just meant TV marathons of some sort were on and trying to stay up till midnight because... well, it was just what you supposed to do. Even in my "party phase" I still didn't get the appeal of New Year's Eve but I celebrated it just the same. Having kids just made me want to celebrate and appreciate everything I guess.

Picking out their celebratory noise makers.
Making pizza.  HQ loves squishing the dough!
We were invited to three parties this year (one child friendly) but we really didn't feel like leaving the home. Ty worked a 14 hour shift that started at 3am and we knew he had to leave for work again shortly after midnight (for another 12-14 hour shift). So Izzy and I did our best to make it beautiful here. We made chicken pizzas, stuffed jalapenos, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream (which didn't strike me a New Year's Eve-y but I let her choose the dessert). We made sure to have sparkling grape juice and an actual bottle of champagne. One of my brothers came over around 8 and we played board games until midnight. Izzy made it! HQ made it to 9:30 and Locke went to bed at his regular time. We watched the count down on the internet (since we don't have TV) and toasted at midnight. We were even able to see some pink fireworks from our window. Izzy made sure to give her uncle a smooch at midnight for good luck in the New Year. She then immediately went to bed saying it was the "Best New Year's EVER!". My brother stayed to to visit for a little bit before heading home. Ty did NOT want to go to work, but he made it out the door knowing he has the next 3 days off.

Pre party drinkin'

Ty took a nap in the hopes of being coherent at midnight. Locke fell asleep next to him. :)

Playing Pictionary Man!
It was a great celebration! I love my family. I am so blessed :)