Friday, June 29, 2012

Headband Obsession

HQ has a crazy headband obsession. She wears them everyday. Sometimes she wears 4. At the same time. She's crazy. Izzy refused to wear them at HQ's age, so this is new for me. HQ doesn't like leaving the house without one. We have a few spares in the car. She doesn't seem to care what they look like on her head, she just wants to be wearing at least one!

She did her hair herself. Crazy kid.
We went to Disneyland yesterday. My parents got us annual passes and yesterday was the last day before the summer blackout. We thought it would be a great idea to go, but apparently a lot of people had the same idea. It did seem to clear up a bit in the afternoon though.

My girls know how to accessorize!

Waiting in line for the Finding Nemo submarine.
I don't know why there are always whiny/crabby kids there. Our kids' faces looked like this the whole time...

Making sure the glass is really there in the submarine.
We went with one of our favorite families. I love seeing Izzy interact with these girls.
They're all so cool. 

On Jungle Cruise (one of Locke's favorites).
Again, who cares what your hair looks like as long as you got a headband on?

Locke's favorite part was the piranhas.
He jumped up and down and giggled like crazy. 
 Today we had a busy morning running some errands, but were able to spend the rest of the day at home.
Izzy proudly wearing her new watch.
She's such a hard worker :)
Teaching Izzy how to sew is already paying off. Well, I enjoy teaching her regardless, but now she is able to repair her own toys and dress up clothes:

Poor Bob-omb needed stitches. Izzy pretended she worked in a bomb hospital.
She said the stitches didn't hurt Bob-omb because he's a bomb and this kind of stuff makes him laugh. 
Donning a hand-me-down Princess Tiana dress.
She called this a cake dress.  /shrug 
Izzy's first American Girl sewing project. A pair of jammie pants for Scarlett. 

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