So the same day the Vikings won (yay!) and the Packers lost (yay!) it occurred to me I probably had mono (boo!). I had a cold since the end of August. It seemed to linger and then turned evil. I woke up one morning and all the lymph nodes in my neck, jaw, and behind my ear felt like they were going to explode along with my throat and gums. On top of that I was exhausted.
I went in to see a doctor to have it confirmed and I was told to REST, REST, REST. The more you rest the quicker you heal. Riiiiight! I thought. With a husband who is out of the house near 70 hours a week and 3 small children at home this was the silliest prescription I could be given. Talking was a painful chore. Eating was a painful chore. Staying awake to make sure my kids didn't kill each other or themselves was a chore and knowing this would be long lasting made me depressed. I was overwhelmed.
How are you going to prescribe a pill this big for someone with a crazy swollen throat? |
Within days of finding out about my mono a dear friend helped set up meals for my family through our homeschool loop. So although I haven't had the strength to stand for more than two minutes in the last 20 days my husband and children have still been fed delicious nutritious meals because of these amazing women. On top of that my mother has been doing her best to help out with the kids while Ty is at work and the poor woman has been fighting sickness herself. Ty's mom came to help me out this past weekend. Before I was overwhelmed with how we are going to do this and now I am overwhelmed with how amazing everyone has been in making sure we are taken care of. We are so blessed!
I miss my husband. The moment he gets home I go to bed and he is so exhausted from playing mom and dad that I don't think I have had more than 10 minutes of face time with him since this sickness started. I suppose the thing that really bums me out is that I will be sick on our anniversary. I guess it's for the best anyway because after all these doctor/hospital bills who has money to go out!
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