Thursday, June 9, 2011

Aunt Shannon Graduated!

On our way to Gramma and Grampa's!
So exciting...

After a quick change it was off to the graduation!  My baby sister graduated the 8th grade yesterday. Yay! All 5 of us went to go watch her ceremony. Thankfully it was outside so HQ got to run around in the grass field away from the graduation and Izzy went bug hunting with a few other little kids.

At Aunt Shannon's Graduation.
Best seat in the house!
I am an avid sun avoiderer... We LOVE doing things outdoors, but we aren't huge fans of the sun.. being in skincare/health industry for years is bound to do that to you. Get your Vit D then get out! That's my motto anyway. So we were happy to find an area in the shade were we could sit. Shortly after it was ridiculously windy. Izzy even asked if there was a tornado coming.

Izzy, Celebi, and Uncle Chris.
She looks worried because my brother is probably telling her he plans to steal Celebi when she isn't looking.
He's not being mean, it's how those two weirdos play. She LOVES her Uncle Chris

Little Locke enjoying the graduation the best way he knows how.
I hurt my back pretty bad on Sunday. It felt like my the left side of my back (rhomboids) were being electrocuted. I couldn't even hold Locke without feeling like I was going to cry. I've given birth unmedicated before, so you know I had to be in pain! Anyway, that meant Ty has been doing the majority of the packing by himself and running after the kids. He's such a strong guy. He doesn't complain at all, he just does what needs to be done. I am so lucky to have such a husband!

Little Belle Butterball!
Please excuse the mess. We are moving in 3 days!

Worn out after helping pack all morning...

Phew! She found her goggles. 
Both Izzy and HQ have some crazy little personalities with big hearts and with each passing day I get more excited to watch our kids grow. I am still SO amazed at how blessed we are! I truly feel undeserving of my family and I pray I will not take them for granted.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Izzy Graduated!

Finally able to log in! I don't know if it was a blogger issue or what, but anyway...

At Gramma's...
 Yesterday they held a little promotion ceremony at the kids' school. They call up everyone enrolled and hand them a"diploma" saying they are moving on to the next grade level. Izzy was super excited and bragging to everyone that she was graduating. They asked each kid what they would liked to be called when they got up on stage. Almost every kid announced their first and last names only, but when they asked Izzy, she gave them her full name (odd since she ALWAYS goes by Izzy) and included her two middle names.  Yes, she has two middle names...  My little weirdo. After the ceremony she announced, "WOW! I can't believe I graduated! And on my graduation day!".

HQ found the promotion ceremony so exciting she actually fell asleep like this!

Izzy's self portrait.
After 837-ish days of waiting Izzy's American Girl doll finally came! Scarlett has not left Izzy's side all day. She's actually asleep with her right now. Today she ate with her, read to her, played rocket ship with her, and even brought her to the bathroom with her. Izzy changed Scarlett's outfit 20 times today (she only owns 2 outfits for her, so you figure that on out). Oddly enough, Scarlett's birthday is October 28th just like Izzy's! ; )

Scarlett is here!

Tummy time for Ty and Locke!

In her super sweet shades.
Only 8 more days until our move! I am so excited to get that over with, not to say I wont miss it here, I just want the actual moving day behind us.

Well, Ty and I are about to head out to his work farewell... party? I look forward to going out with my husband for a bit! Just waiting on my brother and sister to get their tushies here so they can watch the little ones. Well, the little ones are asleep, but I am one of those weird mother's who still doesn't think that makes it ok to leave them alone. I know, I know... I'm WAY over protective.

AND just a side note to all my female friends... if you get into an argument with your husband over a movie to watch, I will almost never side with a "chick flick" so don't ask for my help (there are VERY few exceptions to this). I grew up with infinity brothers, action movies, and video games. (Sorry Candee!)