Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Face!!

Happy Independence Day! After having a pretty painful last few days (ovarian cyst rupture and blood tests) something fun was due. 

The first thing Izzy did this morning was make flags for her and a few friends. She also learned what the stars and stripes stand for. After making her own flags she realized who ever made the actual flag must have been real tired after making 50 stars. 

I tried a few different festive ways to do HQ's hair... she did not like this one.
She went with headbands.
We went to the birthday party of one of our favorite people, Angel. There was a ton of delicious food, a bounce house, cake, and his lovely sister playing Happy Birthday (and Pirates of the Caribbean) on the accordion. HQ was most excited about the seemingly endless supply of juice, which is a rare treat in our home!

2 headbands, and yes, this is her party face.

Happy Birthday, Angel! :D
After the party we headed to my parents' for a steak dinner. More deliciousness! We're so fat.

On our way to the Grandparents'.
They wiped out within moments of getting in the car. They party hard.

HQ and my brother playing "the flying blue dog".
My mom had the back deck set up so pretty. :)

The girls praying and giving thanks before their dinner.

Locke LOVES pasta!!! (and dirt..)

Playing a matching card game. HQ is surprising good and this and yahtzee.
After dinner we headed to the beach for fireworks. Two years ago Izzy fell in love with a beach house that Ty's step family goes to every year, but we haven't been invited to anything on that side of the family since Christmas, so the local beach it was!

Waiting for fireworks

Still waiting...

Locke and my dad :)
The kids loved the fireworks. HQ's favorite was the, "happy base" (happy face) ones. She liked calling out the colors of each one too.

They got a little antsy... 

It was pretty neat to be able to see the fireworks in Hermosa Beach while waiting for Redondo's to start. It was like two shows for the price of one... which was free.